May/June 2017 Mailing Systems Technology Issue

11 Common Mail Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Money

Over the last 24 years I have met with thousands of organizations of all types and sizes to find that there are some core mistakes that drastically impact costs and efficiency.  As mail volumes have decreased and more has been outsourced to professionals, there is less on-site expertise.  This increases the level of these mistakes as well as costs.  The focus of this article is to call out the biggest issues that you may be facing with ideas on how these could be fixed for the future.

  1. Limited Reporting and Visibility – The most important element of running a successful mailing operation is to have detailed reporting on the different spends. You would be surprised how few organizations have this information.  As an example, we found less than 30% of the clients we work with had any detail on their mailing spends outside of the headquarters or production area prior to our involvement.  At a bare minimum, every organization should have reporting on the following:
  • Postage spends by month
  • Details on the largest mailing projects with historical numbers and future projections.
  • Equipment and mailing service provider costs and terms

This detail can help you analyze how your costs are changing, are the projects profitable as well as the future needs of the organization. Read More

Register for the upcoming webinar – 11 Common Mail Mistakes That Could Be Impacting Your Bottom Line – June 14, 2017 at 11:00AM EST

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As the only mail audit and recovery firm in the US and Canada, we manage a portfolio of over 174,000 pieces of mailing and shipping eqipment for the largest US companies.