The Future of Mail – Virtual On-Demand Mailing Services

Published in the Septmeber/October 2020 Issue of Mailing Systems Technology.

If you want to learn more about “The Future of Mail – Virtual On-Demand Mailing Services,” then check out this article written by Postal Advocate President, Adam Lewenberg. The article can be found on pages 28-30.

If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic is that people work everywhere. This will impact the future of mail because while documents still need to be generated, it is not efficient to do this when working out of your home, in small offices, in a flex office space without the proper equipment, staff and expertise. There is new technology and services that can make this easy by either pushing mail to onsite production facilities or to third party providers that can streamline your production needs. In this article, we will highlight both options to give you a better understanding of what is available.

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