Continual Audit of All Mail Spends

Continual Audit of All Mail Spends Many organizations put this on autopilot, but we have found by reviewing each invoice and managing the vendor web dashboards, there are overcharges and service failures that can lead to credits and future savings.  We are looking for the following: Items being billed at higher rates than defined in their contracts. Service failures where the vendor has contractual obligations to provide refunds. Mailings that are beyond standard thresholds in one of the main categories that require further investigation. Mail Equipment and Postage Creating visibility and driving savings on the cost of mailing equipment and metered postage run through your locations. Home and Small Office Mail Creating a simplified process of distributing, printing and accounting for postage generated in small offices, work from home staff or while travelling on business. USPS® Permit Accounts Simplifying the oversight, visibility and access to postage processed through direct USPS® accounts used for large mailing projects and Business Reply Mail. This includes finding… Outsourced Mail Services Having a central view to all outsourced mailings and Presort service providers. Savings are derived through invoice validation and contract optimization. Collateral View the collateral below to learn more about how we can help you gain visibility and create savings. We work with clients in a wide variety of industries. Industries We Serve Steps to Visibility View Our Client Savings Visibility is the Key to Success Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail Optimize Your Mail Service Providers Continual Audit of All Mail Spends enterpriseAdvocate© Provides a Central Repository for All Mailings Contact 888-977-MAIL (6245)
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Optimize Your Mail Service Providers

Optimize Your Mail Service Providers We help our clients make sure they are using the best providers with the most competitive rates.  With the data we have gained from the visibility step, you will see drastic rate variances between providers, and we can manage a request for proposal (RFP) to ensure that you are getting the best rates.  This can be done on a project-by-project basis (if you do infrequent mailings), but a best practice is to develop national agreements with fewer providers where you can get higher service levels, account management and lower costs.  Here are items that we find important when selecting a service provider: Where are your customers? If you mail locally, you will get faster delivery times if the service provider is in your area vs. needing to send across country.  On the other side, if your customers are nationwide, we may want to look for providers with multiple mailing locations that can split projects to be closer to the customer.  If you are going to mail from one location, is the service provider in the center of the country or near a USPS® hub to provide better service levels.  Finally, what is the cost of labor in your area?  If you are in a high cost of living region, it may make sense to look at providers in less expensive parts of the country who can have offer lower pricing. What type of mail are you sending? Some service providers focus on transactional mail like statements or invoices, while others on marketing projects.  You may want to have different vendors for these different categories.  Also, some providers may focus on a specific vertical like banking or insurance that can offer a higher level of service. What added value services will you need? Examples include creative, transportation, web presentment, storage of stock, or on-demand mailing services with online portals and third party agreements with presort services, international remailers. Scope of mail spends – This has to do with the quantity, frequency and number of projects that you need to mail. Our goal is to consolidate as much mail volume into as few providers to gain leverage with rates and service levels. Mail Equipment and Postage Creating visibility and driving savings on the cost of mailing equipment and metered postage run through your locations. Home and Small Office Mail Creating a simplified process of distributing, printing and accounting for postage generated in small offices, work from home staff or while travelling on business. USPS® Permit Accounts Simplifying the oversight, visibility and access to postage processed through direct USPS® accounts used for large mailing projects and Business Reply Mail. This includes finding… Outsourced Mail Services Having a central view to all outsourced mailings and Presort service providers. Savings are derived through invoice validation and contract optimization. Collateral View the collateral below to learn more about how we can help you gain visibility and create savings. We work with clients in a wide variety of industries. Industries We Serve Steps to Visibility View Our Client Savings Visibility is the Key to Success Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail Optimize Your Mail Service Providers Continual Audit of All Mail Spends enterpriseAdvocate© Provides a Central Repository for All Mailings Contact 888-977-MAIL (6245)
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Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail

Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail The biggest savings potential is optimizing the way you are sending current projects using your existing providers.  We analyze the items below looking for ways to reduce costs and optimize the projects objectives. Postage Printing Print Suppression Image Creation, Storage, and Presentment Postage is the largest cost of most mailings making up over 50% of the spend. There are multiple strategies that can be utilized from mixed client manifesting to moving mail closer to its destination, to USPS® quarterly incentives, or consolidating spend under your own direct Presort arrangements.  There could be additional savings by changing from Flats to Letter or from First-Class Mail® to Marketing Mail® or validating that full service IMb (Intelligent Mail® Barcode) discounts are in effect.  The key is we act as your subject matter experts that understands what is available and can push the service providers to optimize the spend. Printing is the next biggest area with large variations in costs. Does everything have to be in color, can roll print be used instead of cut sheet and is high speed inkjet printing viable instead of laser.  Postal Advocate can guide you to the best options available to reduce costs. Print suppression by converting to email or web presentment is one of the best ways to reduce costs. Understanding the full printing and mailing costs could provide a business case to offer incentives to clients who go electronic. Image creation, storage, and presentment can be a significant cost that can grow drastically based on the longevity of images that are stored and accessed. By understanding the total cost of this spend, provides the means to decide if it makes sense to offload this work from the service providers to your own storage models. Mail Equipment and Postage Creating visibility and driving savings on the cost of mailing equipment and metered postage run through your locations. Home and Small Office Mail Creating a simplified process of distributing, printing and accounting for postage generated in small offices, work from home staff or while travelling on business. USPS® Permit Accounts Simplifying the oversight, visibility and access to postage processed through direct USPS® accounts used for large mailing projects and Business Reply Mail. This includes finding… Outsourced Mail Services Having a central view to all outsourced mailings and Presort service providers. Savings are derived through invoice validation and contract optimization. Collateral View the collateral below to learn more about how we can help you gain visibility and create savings. We work with clients in a wide variety of industries. Industries We Serve Steps to Visibility View Our Client Savings Visibility is the Key to Success Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail Optimize Your Mail Service Providers Continual Audit of All Mail Spends enterpriseAdvocate© Provides a Central Repository for All Mailings Contact 888-977-MAIL (6245)
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Visibility is the Key to Success

Visibility is the Key to Success At the start of an engagement most clients will not know all of the vendors they are using because it is handled by different locations, departments and divisions throughout most organizations.  We have built a process to gain visibility through accounts payable searches and by working with key departments. Once the vendors are defined, the level of visibility is difficult to manage because each provider’s invoice has different degrees of detail.  We have seen bills for large sums with a single line charge, while others break out every service area into multiple sub-groups that may be difficult to understand.  You will also find incredible variations in the rates charged from one job or service provider to another.  The key to reducing costs is our standard process to build this visibility, to better understand your mailings and fees.  We developed a system to categorize every charge into one of the mailing categories listed below.  With this, we can now compare cost of services, providers, and the impact of changes.  Mail Equipment and Postage Creating visibility and driving savings on the cost of mailing equipment and metered postage run through your locations. Home and Small Office Mail Creating a simplified process of distributing, printing and accounting for postage generated in small offices, work from home staff or while travelling on business. USPS® Permit Accounts Simplifying the oversight, visibility and access to postage processed through direct USPS® accounts used for large mailing projects and Business Reply Mail. This includes finding… Outsourced Mail Services Having a central view to all outsourced mailings and Presort service providers. Savings are derived through invoice validation and contract optimization. Collateral View the collateral below to learn more about how we can help you gain visibility and create savings. We work with clients in a wide variety of industries. Industries We Serve Steps to Visibility View Our Client Savings Visibility is the Key to Success Optimize How You Are Sending Your Mail Optimize Your Mail Service Providers Continual Audit of All Mail Spends enterpriseAdvocate© Provides a Central Repository for All Mailings Contact 888-977-MAIL (6245)
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As the only mail audit and recovery firm in the US and Canada, we manage a portfolio of over 174,000 pieces of mailing and shipping eqipment for the largest US companies.