enterpriseAdvocate© Provides a Central Repository for All Mailings

Our team will enter each mailing invoice into enterpriseAdvocate© and assign each line item to a main category (Material, Data Processing, Mail Automation, Printing, Mail Preparation, Postage, Email, Transportation, Data Storage and Misc) and a sub-category to be able to benchmark each project.  This will allow you to do the following:

See total cost across all vendors and the details of each project.
Benchmark projects and providers based on the different categories.
See trends in mailing spends.
See the changes based on implementing Postal Advocate savings recommendations.
Provide access to this information in a secure environment to those that need it.

As the only mail audit and recovery firm in the US and Canada, we manage a portfolio of over 174,000 pieces of mailing and shipping eqipment for the largest US companies.